Monday, November 21, 2005

Lost & Found

'Lost' Emmy Awards 2005

Plot Outline: The survivors of a plane crash are forced to live with each other on a remote island, a dangerous new world that poses unique threats of its own.
Plot: A horrific plane crash leaves 48 passengers alive, and stranded on a remote island in the South Pacific. The survivors include doctor Jack, now freed prisoner Kate, one hit wonder rock star Charlie, Iraqi military vet Sayid, and a mysterious man named Locke. For a while their goal is simple survival, but they soon realize that it was far more than mere chance that brought them together, and each of them has a purpose that will help them unlock the island's secrets. Cast:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 'Lost' puzzle game does not work. I arranged the puzzle in 5 minutes (10 required) and still could not download the screensaver :(

November 22, 2005  

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